Thursday 30 September 2010

just waiting..

mornig all.. :)
am i ok? ntah! ahaha..
actually, xde niat pn nk update pgi2 canie..
but class da cancel.. then scre kbtulan je la i online..
i bru lpas on fb td..
and... dye anta msg kt fb...
dye ckp nye xde niat pn nk wat i cam ni
(myb mksd dye, dye xnk de niat nk skt kn hti i la kot?)
ntah la.. xtw nk ckp ape ag..
i pnat sgt ble bnde canie jd..
ngan kwn yg xgne sorg kt uitm ni la..
ngn stdy la... hmm..
pape hal pn i ttap pntg kn dye lbey dr sume tu..
sbb bg i, kalo dye ok, i akn ade smgt utk stdy...
tp ble bnde jd canie..
i have to be strong.. kne la handle sume ni sorg2..
kt spe ag i kn brgntg kan?
xkn nk cte kt mama... nnt mama ckp 'bia kan je la..
awk focus kt stdy awk.'
nk focus mmg bley.. tp da kalo tiap2 hri tgk mke dye..
spe x skt hti kn? hmm.. ntah la..
mcm2 hal la.. xtw nk wat ape da..
sampy kn i sndri tekad delete dye dr friend list i kt fb..
np? sbb everytime i on, i akn tgk dye nye update..
kalo dye tw msti dye ag bnci kn i kan?
hehe.. tp i kne wat cmtu utk lpe kan dye..
hm... tp kalo da dye ckp yg i ni nyusah kan dye...
wat pe ag kan i nk amek tw psl dye..
wat sedey ag ade la..
ble i lri dr mslh ktorg, i akn sllu bg alsn....
sbb i xnk keruh kan keadaan..
tp xtw la dye tw ke x..
ag pn dye trllu baik utk i..
mgkin mmg i ni jnis yg trok kot..
yela.. dlu cp smpy 3 org skli gus..
trok x trok sgt la..
hmm... i'm so sorry wat i have done you all of you..
take care, be strong, Allah always with you

always love,

p/s: listening to ana raffali-tolong ingatkan aku while typing this blog.. just for him..


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