Wednesday 3 November 2010

done! done! done!

my final exam had done !
wwwoooooooottttt ! wwwooooooootttttttt !!!
time to enjoy !
but only for this month la..
ahaha.. why ?
bcoz i'm going to find a work..
buhbye !

iloveyousomuch,b !

done !

mirul punye
lya punye

everything is over !
damn it la !
aku bnci gyler ble jd canie !
da r ngn final ag..
kalo paper sng xpe gak..
ni x.. paper yg core jgak jd canie...
argh !!
blah je la sng b !
syg x ske la ble b wat prangai canie tw x !!
tlg la.. sye da pnat nk lyan awk...
sy da xtw nk wat caner ag utk slmt kn relationship kte..
awk dgn cre awk yg x tentu..
sye sniri da xfhm..
sye pnat sgt oke ?
now plz, leave...

p/s:lya hrap mir pk la blik.. sbb lya mmg xtw ape jln ag utk save kn relationship kte..