Saturday, 1 June 2013

bad may

assalamualaikum semua. yeay berjumpa lagi kat belog gua. maaf di pohon lah ye sebab dah lama tak hupdate. kekangan masa yang teramat sangat. walau bagaimanapun, hakikatnya internet tak di-subscribe. musim menyimpan wang.

so, hari ni 1 June. alhamdulillah, terima kasih Allah sebab bagi peluang kat diri ni untuk hidup di dunia yang sementara ni.

ok. jangan pelik dengan entry. but seriously, too many things happen during this month. at the beginning everything runs smoothly. but in the middle of second weeks, things become so unexpected. there's a rumors said that I tried to ruined up someone marriage. like hell! I never be friends with someone who is in married status. if you don't trust me, it is up to you. only Allah knows that. I know my limit. bear in your mind with that.

things happen when I still studying at Melaka. can you imagine, those married couple was stayed at Perlis. how? that was totally nonsense! please, before you said, investigate. be like fbi, policeman, or even like csi. I don't care.

I don't even mind if you are trying to talk bad about me. but what is your point spread up my family history? I only think one thing, hope one day you will know how it feel when it happen to your marriage or maybe to your parents. sorry if you were saying that I'm being rude with that statement. my attitude depends on you.

keep saying those story.
keep telling those sh*t.
keep yelling that I'm coward.
keep making me like hulk.
but I will remain here and stay calm.
Allah know every single things.

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