Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Paul / Brian

Sunday | 1 December 2013 | 1400hours

Bad news for today.
Paul Walker also known as Brian O'Connor actor for Fast and Furious was dead.

Farewell Paul Walker.

Friday, 4 October 2013

Aktiviti Syawal 1434H

Monday, 9th September 2013 | 2117hours

Assalamualaikum. Akhirnya berjaya juga luangkan masa untuk blogging. Lamanya tak blogging! Rindu yang amat nak typing lama-lama, laju-laju, cepat-cepat gini. 

So regarding the title, kalau nak di ceritakan memang tak ingat sangat sebenarnya. Tapi aku akan usahakan jugalah nak masukkan segala aktiviti yang sempat aku turut serta sepanjang Syawal baru-baru ni. Tapi rasanya tak perlulahkan kalau aku nak tulis 1 Syawal, 2 Syawal bagaikan ?

Hari raya pertama. Tipulah kalau tak beraya sakan. Tapi tahun ni jujur aku cakap, tak meriah sangat. Sebab rushing. Cuti pun tak banyak mana. Redha jela. Balik kampung pun dua hari sebelum raya. Mana taknya.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013


Never been this though after all those things happen. I am much better. Oh no. Totally appreciate mylife. Thank you. And to my future, hello. I am so into you now. Keep calm and let Allah plans every single things. He knows better.

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Wordless Wednesday [31]

happy moment comes with favourite people
xoxo, L

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Thursday, 18 July 2013


Sabtu | 20 Julai 2013 | 11 Ramadhan 1434 | 1000hours

Assalamualaikum. Alhamdulillah dah sembilan hari dah menunaikan kewajipan sebagai umat Islam. Berpuasa.

On the first day, terus lya cari kuih favourite. End up frust. Owner kedai tu cakap, "Tahun ni kuih tu tak buat. Yang buat kuih tu cuti". Me and my brother was like, "Alaaa kenapa tak ada. Sedihnya" , and terus pergi.

Other customers ada la pandang macam, "Dah kenapa budak-budak ni?". Ok serius. Setiap tahun mesti beli kuih tu. Lya tak ingat la lya pernah post kat blog ni ke tak. Sebab cari gambar tu dalam each of memory card yang lya ada, tak ada.

Emm sebenarnya bukan nak cakap apa sangat pasal tu. Hikhik.  Semalam ternampak ikan laga kat mukabuku, terus screen shoot. Sebelum ni memang la ada bela ilan laga. Nama dia bell. Warna putih. Sebab lya memang nak warna putih crystal. Bajet rare habis la.

Pastu menggedik la hantar kat tuan ikan laga yang dulu. Nak tau dia cakap apa? Tengok sendiri. Malas nak cakap banyak. Jumpa lagi!

xoxo, L

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Friday, 28 June 2013

Permakanan Hujung Minggu [Part-1]

assalamualaikum semua!
mohon jangan pelik.
heee sebenarnya tak tau kenapa.
tapi nak post juga entry pelik ni.
apa yang pelik?

hujung minggu hari sabtu dan ahad.
meluangkan masa dengan sepupu.
dengan badan yang penat, gagahkan diri.

1400hour - majlis kalif ♡
nasi pelang.i.
kurma kambing.
ayam masak merah.
acar rampai (kalau tak silap).
air sirap segelas.

1945hour - pyqa ♡
nasi goreng ikan masin.
air sirap bandung.

2145hour - family ♡
nasi putih.
ikan bakar.
sotong goreng tepung.
lala masak cili.
telur dadar.
milo ais.

0045hours - cousin, sister, friend ♡
sekadar air milo di selangi cheezy wedges.
*tune super gorang jadoo*

1500hours - relatives ♡
snack plate.
milo ais.
*blause, gossip*

1700hours - sister ♡
bihun sup budget.
limau ais.

2030hours - relatives ♡
cempedak goreng.
plain water.

dan berjaya tambah koleksi☆

xoxo, L

Saturday, 22 June 2013

full moon

Assalamualaikum. I'm going to update this entry very fast. Like cheetah. Oh crap, I shouldn't talk something which is not important regarding the tittle. Ohkay, 'full moon', yes, tonight. Like now? If you read this, go and see it by yourself.

There's something I wanna share to you. It is not a mitos. It just my story. How come a full moon be a part of my life. Its kinda weird actually. Yes, I do love nature. Ocean and rainbow were the most nature from Allah that can totally make me calm. Subhanallah.

About this full moon. There's story. And yes I am totally going to tell you from the beginning and all this moment was happen during the full moon between us. Us? Continue reading.

1. It happen last year. The moment when he told me that he like me. Yes, like. Not love. I just thought that okay. "Why don't we keep being friend and trying to get know each other first? Let just follow the flow. If we are falling in love, just go the next step. Which is, moment of accepting the bad side and improve more on the good side.". And we did it.

2. Then I just got to continue my study. Well, some good things become bad things. When both of us have no time for each others. Yet I am saying to myself, "If it is what Allah's plan for our relationship, just go with it. Life must go on.". Even I still remembered the moment he looked at me when I'm leaving. Honestly, its kinda touched when he still willing to see me for the last time at that moment. *almost tearing*

3. We keep on being loyal. Yes, long distance relationship (LDR) always make me worried. Either it is going to be like people want or not, it just depends on how loyal and how much do you trust your partner. Alhamdulillah, everytime we argue on those stupid things, which is my level of jealousy keep increasing by day, he always there. Still standing right beside me. Thank you for that miamour.

4. When it come to our first syawal. One thing for sure, full moon. He is the last person I met before leaving again. He still be there for me although I have no time to talk him. Even text. Raya. No time for phones (not really). I just sent him a mms. More than enough I guess.

5. Next when already finish my study during that semester, I just thought that maybe we can spend our time. At least, till my study leave ended. And things turn 360°. Well, again. Just keep saying to myself, "Things happen for a reason."

6. New Year? Didn't celebrate with him. Melacca and his workplace? Quite far. We are not in good condition. But he did sent a nee year wish text. Still kept it. *smiling*

7. The moment when he said that thing will always be the same. "I love you. And I admit that there's no one would accept my bad side like you did. I might have no time with you like before, but I will make sure that one you will be mine for entire life". Ok now you tell me how? 

8. My birthday. Oh that was totally a crap! My last exam paper for last semester. And a week before that, we were argue and I don't know what was the topic is. Yet, both were wrong. HAHA! And he is being so annoyed. Thank you for that. So that I will make sure that I will maintaining my hope towards you.

9. Tonight. Just now. More than a week we didn't talk to him like totally share what kind of problem we had. Admit, my bad. Haish, my level of jealousy just at the same level. Too bad for him for having me as his girl. Tried a couple of days to coax him, it turns nothing. OK! Little bit guilty because he keep saying that, "Don't be too jealous. Don't think on the negative side. Don't make our relationship end with nothing". Yet keep doing the same mistake. Yeay! *applause*

10. The moment when he said, "I never trust any girl like I trust you now. Don't let me down like my past did. Please take a good care of our relationship. I hate you girlfriend". Eherm! Yes, he keep saying that at the end of our coversation because I said to him once he said he love me. When he asked me why, my answer will, "Keep hating me because when you turn out your love to hate, you will love me more than now."

Dear F, thank you so much for being here with me no matter what I did and said towards you. My love to you will be the same. In Sha Allah. It is all Allah fate. When his fate that I'm yours, no matter how hard the obstacles is, I'm always yours. May everything runs smoothly and ease our day.

xoxo, L

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Saturday, 1 June 2013

bad may

assalamualaikum semua. yeay berjumpa lagi kat belog gua. maaf di pohon lah ye sebab dah lama tak hupdate. kekangan masa yang teramat sangat. walau bagaimanapun, hakikatnya internet tak di-subscribe. musim menyimpan wang.

so, hari ni 1 June. alhamdulillah, terima kasih Allah sebab bagi peluang kat diri ni untuk hidup di dunia yang sementara ni.

ok. jangan pelik dengan entry. but seriously, too many things happen during this month. at the beginning everything runs smoothly. but in the middle of second weeks, things become so unexpected. there's a rumors said that I tried to ruined up someone marriage. like hell! I never be friends with someone who is in married status. if you don't trust me, it is up to you. only Allah knows that. I know my limit. bear in your mind with that.

things happen when I still studying at Melaka. can you imagine, those married couple was stayed at Perlis. how? that was totally nonsense! please, before you said, investigate. be like fbi, policeman, or even like csi. I don't care.

I don't even mind if you are trying to talk bad about me. but what is your point spread up my family history? I only think one thing, hope one day you will know how it feel when it happen to your marriage or maybe to your parents. sorry if you were saying that I'm being rude with that statement. my attitude depends on you.

keep saying those story.
keep telling those sh*t.
keep yelling that I'm coward.
keep making me like hulk.
but I will remain here and stay calm.
Allah know every single things.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

When it Come with Passion

Wed, May 1 / 2019hours

Assalamualaikum. Itu diaaa, kita berjumpa lagi di ruangan tuan tanah milik. Its 1st May everyone ! Happy Labour Day people. Including kecintaan dan kesayangan. *blank*

Back ! Ok, seriously idea mati. Adeh, problem jugak kalau blank ni. Dah boleh join Ji-Hyo dah aku. Oleh kerana sekarang ni musim Pesta Buku Antarabangsa, aku pun ambil kesempatan ni menghabiskan aku punya BB1M yang berbaki 50ringit. Tapi sejujurnya, semua BB1M tu aku habiskan untuk fixi, lejen dengan faktab. 

Hai geng lejenfixifaktab ! Bahagialah korang kan dapat pelanggan yang taksub dengan readers yang taksub dengan korang. Huuu~ salute dengan korang punya buku. The writers too ! Korang memang otak imaginasi tinggi. Paling ketara dalam novel KLCC. Dan yang paling aku excited sekarang Pecah The Movie this June. Wuhuuu~ how am I going to watch that movie as if I'm not in KL ? Haish.

Oh ya, aku serang pesta buku KL last Monday. And today was my second time going there. As you can see my previous post, I meet Pekin Ibrahim ! He's so handsome. On Monday, I just attack the lejenfixi booth. And bought those books as you can see above. Too many books. I carried it on right and left side. 
Oleh kerana hari ni cuti. Tak payah tanya la ramai tak ramai orang yang datang. Sesak sangat. Geng bas ada la 5buah kot ? Belum kira yang datang ber-family. Even dah keluar rumah awal pun still jugak jammed. Around 10am kira awal kan ? Hee, I just bet that you can imagine that. 

Alang-alang my mum nak beli some books for the primary school students, I just follow her. At the same time, I want to claim my button badges that I bought, not in my bags. And, there's new book that will be launch today. Kira alang-alang menyeluk pekasam la jugak. Sebab last Monday tak dapat beli laju lejen yang kat bawah tuu. Dapat sebat baju fixi yang aku kat bawah ni jee.
Yeay ! Photo of the day ! Thank you mum for this picture. Err, is that too obvious that I can't leave the phone even in public ? And, I look chubby ! My face shows that. Okay, can't accept it. I'm out. Thanks for reading people ! Have a blast. Assalamualaikum.

xoxo, L

Wordless Wednesday [23]

psst, me is so happy today on labour day. happy labour day people! ♥

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Maseh April !

Tues, 30 Apr / 10:07pm

Assalamualaikum. Yeah berjumpa lagi di ruangan biasa-biasa aja milik tuan tanah. Alhamdulillah, syukur sangat sebab berjaya mengharungi hidup selama 22tahun di muka bumi Allah ni. Kalau nak di ikutkan semangat juang yang ada sebagai part-time blogger, nak je cerita habis segala kejadian yang dah berlaku sejak dua menjak ni.

Maka dengan ini, aku tak berapa semangat juang sangat la. Al-maklum lah, idea tepu kejap. Di pendekkan cerita, april ni sangat-sangat seronok. Although tak ddapat nak celeb hari kejadian, ok la. Sempat jugak nak ber-spend-time dengan kecintaan. Apa jadi ?

Aku berjimba dengan segala jenis kawan time sekolah menengah on my ex-classmates wedding. Huu, congratulation Nazirul & Tanem ! I'm happy for both of you. Tahniah jugak sebab dah mengandung. Huu bunting pelamin tau kawan aku. Bangga ok. Bangga. Hiks. So, have fun with the picture baby ! 

BFF ! *ok, gambar kiri, kenyataan, kanan tipu.*
being normal with her ? never. 
SRA friends
Pheww, berjaya update belog before masuk May. Till we meet again. Take care and have a blast people !

xoxo, L

Saturday, 20 April 2013

*sepintas lalu [7]

Assalamualaikum semua. Sihat? moga sihat lah yee. As the title above, sepintas. Ok, aku sekarang ada kat morib. Yes, morib, selangor. Buat apa? Saja suka-suka. Ihiks!

Aku datang sini dengan niat nak menenangkan fikiran. At the same time, aku nak release tension. Al-maklumlah, final dah habis. Although dah habis, aku still rasa nervous yang amat sangat. Hopefully, semua paper aku lepas. For sure la nak cemerlangkan? Tapi tawakal jela. Huuu~

So bila ada kat sana sambil layan KLCC, got call. Unexpected gila. Its been awhile meyh~ Yet he call me just now while I'm doing this.

Got to go! Got explorace here.

Btw, I miss you Amour ;)

p/s: post delay ;)

xoxo, L

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

new age

Tue, 16 April  / 8.20pm

Assalamualaikum. Yeay ! Another entry for this month. First of all, thank you so much for those who had wished me for my birthday last few days. Directly or indirectly. Really appreciate it. Big thank you for those who make my day more special. Big thank you for those who make my day bit sorrow. Big thank you for UiTM 'cause arrange my last paper during my day. And big thank you for the presents. 

There you go. Too much of big thank you huh ? Bianne. As I mention before, I will update more this year compared to previous year. Hopefully you won't get bored okeh ? In Shaa Allah, with Allah bless, I won't stop writing. Err hold on. Do you mind if I'm writing in English ? Okeh, I think both language would be ok.

This ! It just make my day became much better. Big thank you mummy for your love. Thank you for always be there. Thank you for what you have done. Oh hoo ! That book titled KLCC was limited edition. Only 1500 pieces printed and I am totally lucky to owned that book 'cause they only print it once. Serious. I think that's all I can share now. 

And last but not least, "Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah for giving me this opportunity to be more successful person in life. Syukran."

Till we meet again on my next entry.

xoxo, L